Multichannel phone:
+375 17 270 80 00
Fax: +375 17 347 90 08
Address: Timiryazeva st. 65A,
220035, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus

Bank details

Tax ID No: 807000163
OKPO: 378228085000
SWIFT: BBTKBY2X (temporarily deactivated)

Exchange rates
We buy at We sell at
Actual as from 31.03.2025 14:00
1 USD 3.11 3.135
1 EUR 3.35 3.42
100 RUB 3.61 3.67
Actual as from 31.03.2025 14:00
1 USD 3.11
1 EUR 3.34
100 RUB 3.61
We buy at We sell at
Actual as from 31.03.2025 14:00
EUR/USD 1.075 1.09
EUR/RUB 92.2 95
USD/RUB 84.5 87
Actual as from 31.03.2025 14:00
1 USD 3.1176
1 EUR 3.3591
100 RUB 3.6634

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