Exchange rates
We buy at We sell at
Actual as from 20.12.2024 12:50
1 USD 3.41 3.47
1 EUR 3.59 3.63
100 RUB 3.33 3.381
Actual as from 20.12.2024 12:50
1 USD 3.42
1 EUR 3.59
100 RUB 3.33
We buy at We sell at
Actual as from 20.12.2024 12:50
EUR/USD 1.035 1.065
EUR/RUB 105 112
USD/RUB 100 102.8
Actual as from 20.12.2024 12:50
1 USD 3.472
1 EUR 3.614
100 RUB 3.3802

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